but u can call me lex, art or fran!

☆ he/they ( nb transmasc)
⭑ brazilian (>_<)
☆ pt-br/eng/rus/ukr (learning)
☆ pisces 14/3

dm for genshin/hsr uid
discord: alex4scara

HEY HEY! do not use fem terms with me + dont make "kys" jokes w me if we're not close + pls use tone indicators

@theovercoatwink on twt

BYF i rt a lot, im shy but i like 2 interact, i make kms jokes, im like obsessed w nikolai hes my bbg(pls talk w me abt him i will love u), im ia sometimes bc im trying to get into college, i post/engage with suggestive/slight nsfw content, i may complain on the tml sometimes abt my life lol, i wont fb if ur a priv acc (unless ur a moot's priv acc, then just tell me beforehand pls)obs: i use any pronouns for sigma and hc them as nb transfemDNI proship/fujoshi/fudanshi, racist/transphobic/shit person overall, support AI art/NFTs, dont respect people's trans headcanons, SHEDVENT TWT (like pls stay away from me), priv acc (that I don't follow), hate my faves (esp nikolai/fyolai)

ANIMANGA/GAMES bsd, jjk, kny, jshk, sk8, blue period, haikyuu, death note, genshin, hsr, psekai, omori, silent hill, danganronpa, undertale/deltarune, stardew + more!

MY LOVES nikolai, chuuya, sigma, fyodor, kunikida, poe, ranpo + more!obs: nikolai/fyolai is my biggest hyperfixation atm


mas pode me chamar de lex, art ou fran!

☆ ele/delu (transmasc nb)
⭑ brasileiro (>_<)
☆ pt-br/eng/rus/ucr (aprendendo)
☆ peixes 14/3

dm pra genshin/hsr uid
discord: alex4scara

HEY HEY! nao use termos fem comigo + nao faça piadas de "smt" comigo se nao te conheço + pfv use indicadores de tom

@theovercoatwink no twt

BYF dou mto rt, sou timido mas gosto de interagir, faço piada de vmt, eu so obcecado pelo nikolai ele é minha bbg (pfv fale comigo dele eu vo te amar), fico off mto pq to tentando entrar na facul, eu posto/interajo com conteudo sugestivo/nsfw, às vezes reclamo da minha vida na tml, nao sigo de volta se for conta priv (a n ser q seja moot, entao pfv me avise antes)obs: uso qualquer pronome pra sigma e hc elu como transfem nbDNI proship/fujoshi/fudanshi, raciste/transfobique/criterio basico dni, apoia arte IA/NFTs, nao respeita headcanon trans, SHEDVENT TWT (tipo serio fica longe de mim), conta priv, odeia meus favs (principalmente nikolai/fyolai)

ANIMANGA/GAMES bsd, jjk, kny, jshk, sk8, blue period, haikyuu, death note, genshin, hsr, psekai, omori, silent hill, danganronpa, undertale/deltarune, stardew + mais!

MY LOVES nikolai, chuuya, sigma, fyodor, kunikida, poe, ranpo + mais!obs: nikolai/fyolai é minha hiperfixacao atual